Search Blog for Surname

Thursday, September 19, 2024

REBBE, Herman and Emma (Chester, IL)

IDENTIFIED AS:  "Emma & Herman Rebbe"

PHOTO TAKEN: Welge Studio, Chester Illinois, circa 1900-1902

PURCHASED: Sep 2024, Bright's Antique Mall, Franklin KY

Emma Maria Margarethe REBBE and Herman Christian REBBE were siblings, and two of the four children born to Herman F. REBBE and Carolina (Roeder) REBBE.

The other two children were Alfred F. REBBE (1884-1977) and Charles Henry REBBE (1880-?)

Herman Christian Rebbe was born 7-Oct-1886 and worked as a bookkeeper at a bank. In 1916 he married Edna Muir and the couple had 3 children (Ruth, Muirene and Alfred). He died 6-Apr-1945. 

Click for larger

Emma Rebbe worked briefly as a teacher, but gave it up when illness left her bed-ridden for the last five years of her life. She died, unmarried, at age 25 or 26. 

[NOTE - she is seen on some Ancestry family trees as having married Edward Ebers, having children with him and living a long happy life in California. I believe that Emma Rebbe is a cousin of this one.]

Obit of Herman below. Click on any image for a larger version.

Monday, February 5, 2024

OWEN, Elizabeth Gaillard (Port Jervis, NY)

Elizabeth Owen

IDENTIFIED AS: "Elizabeth Owen"

PHOTO TAKEN: Masterson Studio, Port Jervis NY, either 1890 or 1899

PURCHASED: Feb 2024 Palm Beach County Fairgrounds Antiques Show

The card stock has serrated edges which dates it to the decade of 1890. The sleeves could either be 1890 or 1899, but definitely not mid 1890s as sleeves were much more voluminous then. I think the addition of the horseshoe vignette was an ornamental style that was used in the latter 1890s.

One more thing to consider - Elizabeth was married 9 Oct 1890, so this photo may have been taken on that occasion.

Elizabeth Gaillard-Owen was born in 1868 and died Jan 1942. She lived most of her life in Port Jervis, NY.

Daughter of Claude Gaillard (d. 1911) &  Mary Ross (d. 1905)

1910 Census > NY > Orange Co > Port Jervis > 5 New Street

  • GAILLARD, Claude, head, 83 widower, born in France of French parents, no occ.
  • OWEN, Thomas, son-in-law, 42, born NJ of NY & NJ parents, laborer at railroad shop
  • OWEN, Elizabeth, daughter, 42, born NY of French & German parents, no occ.
  • OWEN, Mamie, gr-daughter, 17 single, quilting at mill
  • OWEN, Thomas, gr-son, 16 single, twister at mill
  • OWEN, Sarah, gr-daughter, 6
  • GAILLARD, Mary, daughter, 40 single, waitress at hotel

1915 State Census > NY > Orange Co. > Port Jervis > 17 Union Street

  • OWEN, Thomas, 49, engineer
  • OWEN, Elizabeth, 48, housework
  • OWEN, Mary, dau., 21, silk worker

1920 Census > NY > Orange Co. > Port Jervis > 17 Union Street

  • OWEN, Elizabeth, head, 52 widow, born in NY of French & German parents, no occupation
  • GAILLARD, Mary, sister, 50 single, born in NY of French & German parents, tinsmith helper at railroad shop
  • OWEN, Mary, daughter, 26 single, born in NY of NJ & NY parents, winder at silk mill
  • OWEN, Thomas, son, 24 widower, born in NY, air inspector for railroad
  • OWEN, Edwin, 3y10m grandson, born in NY of NY and PA parents
  • OWEN, Thomas Jr., 2y10m grandson, born in NY of NY and PA parents

1930 Census > NY > Orange Co. > Port Jervis > 3 New Street

  • OWEN, Elizabeth, head, 60 widow, no occupation
  • GAILLARD, Mary, sister, 58 single, silk inspector at mill
  • OWEN, Thomas, son, 34 widower, twister at mill
  • OWEN, Edwin, grandson, 12 
  • OWEN, Thomas Jr., grandson, 11

1940 Census > NY > Orange Co. > Port Jervis > 3 New Street

  • OWEN, Elizabeth, head, 70 widow, homemaker
  • OWEN, Edwin, grandson, 23, laborer at silver plating factory

Thomas Owen (1866-1918) son of Jasper T. Owen & Sarah Smith.


Elizabeth Gaillard (1868-1942), d. of Claude Gaillard & Mary Ross.

   - 1895 - Mary "Mamie" Owen

   - 1894 - Thomas II Owen (d. 6 Apr 1933)

                   - 1916 - Edwin John Owen (d. 24 Feb 1978)

                   - 1917 - Thomas Jr. Owen (d. 1983)

                                   - 1942 - Thomas E. Owen (d.2014)

   - 1904 - Sarah Owen

Sunday, February 4, 2024

MEINECKE, Roma Adela (Brooklyn, NY)


PHOTO TAKEN: Unknown Studio, most likely Brooklyn NY, 1909

PHOTO ACQUIRED: Feb 2024 Palm Beach County Fairground Antiques Show

Roma Meinecke, 1909

Roma Meinecke was born in Brooklyn on Jan 14, of either 1903, and thus was around 6 years old in the 1909 photo above. Her parents were Edward A. Meinecke (1873-1902) and Marie Hacker (1874-1931, sister to Louise Hacker in the previous post. ) Roma bears a strong resemblance to her aunt Louise.
She never knew her father as he died of tuberculosis before she was born.

After her father's death, Roma's mother Marie married George H. Greenhalgh, who was born in 1882 in Manchester England. He was a son of Frederick Greenhalgh and Elizabeth Barns.

Roma married Robert John Becker, but that marriage did not last long, and dissolved sometime after  Roma gave birth to Marie "Peggy" Becker in 1928, and Roma moved back into her parent's home.

On March 22 of 1931 Marie died in Montclair New Jersey where the family now resided, leaving widower George living with single-mother/step-daughter Roma and her daughter Peggy.

Between 1935 and 1937, George and his step-daughter Roma were married. I believe this was not entirely uncommon for the time, and still occurs to this day. I am not willing to make any judgments upon the couple because I do not know their situation. I know Roma's first husband was not a compatible spouse, and she may have developed romantic feelings for George, having lived with him for such a long time.

Daughter Peggy later went by the name Peggy Greenhalgh, so she may have been adopted by George when he married Peggy's mother.

On September 1, 1937, George and Roma's son George Edward Greenhalgh was born, but Roma did not live long afterward. She died September 5 of that year.

I found an Ancestry Family Tree which includes this exact photo of Roma which I recently acquired. Not just a copy of the same photo, but the very same photo. The scratches, stains and tears on the image are identical. The family tree was managed by a woman named Peggy who identified Marie Meinecke-Greenhalgh as her grandmother. I also discovered that both Peggy and her half-brother George Jr died in 2016. Peggy had been a longtime resident of Boca Raton FL, where she worked as a nurse.

Because of this, I am convinced that the photos I acquired of Roma and her aunt Louise at the Palm Beach Co. Fairgrounds Antiques Show had been originally sourced from the estate of Peggy.

HACKER-KNEUPER, Louise (Brooklyn NY)

PHOTO TAKEN: Russoff Studio, Brooklyn NY, 1910
PHOTO ACQUIRED: Feb 2024 Palm Beach County Fairground Antiques Show


There is further inscription on the reverse: "Peg's Great Aunt, My Grandmother Marie's sister."
Inscription on front reads: "Most Lovingly, Sister, Lou"

This is Louise Hacker, born 1877, died 1959. She was one of 6 children of Joseph Carl Hacker (1839-1915) and Marie Forster (1850-1915).

Her father was a well-known businessman in New York City as he ran a leather goods company in Manhattan, although the family lived in Brooklyn.

Her father died in February 1915, and the obit on him gives much detail on the family.

(Click for larger)

The children of Joseph and Marie Hacker are:
1870 - Christina Hacker (she married Carl Mann)
1871 - Josephine Hacker (she married Rudolf Allert)
1874 - Marie Hacker (she married 1] Edward A. Meinecke, then 2] George H. Greenhalgh)
1877 - Louise Hacker (she married a man named KNEUPER, but I cannot find his first name.)
1878 - Herman Hacker (married a woman named Minnie, unknown last name)
1882 - Darwin Hacker (married Florence Toben)

Monday, January 1, 2024

EDDIE, Fannie (Ypsilanti, MI)


Fannie Eddie

UPDATE - Fannie has been claimed by her family and is going home!

Identified as: FANNIE EDDIE

Photographer: Miller Studio, Ypsilanti, Michigan, circa 1916-1918

Purchased: Dec 2023 Palm Beach County Fairgrounds Antiques Show

After just a cursory pass through and, I believe this is Fannie Mae Eddie (1900-1951) who married John H. Martin.

She was born in Superior Michigan, a township just to the north of Ypsilanti.

Her parents were George Eddie & Sarah Jane Keedle.

She died in Ann Arbor, MI, which is just to the west of Ypsilati.

(Click for larger)

Wednesday, November 22, 2023

MARSHALL Children (Ewing IL)


Opal, Willie & Seba Marshall


PHOTO TAKEN: unknown studio, circa 1899

PHOTO ACQUIRED: June 2023, Antique Peddlers, Springfield OR

Four photos were found together in a booth at this antiques shop in Oregon. Although some were labeled with just first names, I could ascertain from adjacent photos that these are children in the Marshall family of Ewing, Illinois.

Opal and Seba

Their parents (no photos found of them) are:

FATHER: Clarence E. Marshall, son of John Whitson Marshall of Tennessee and Sarah Farlow of Illinois. He was born October 1865 and died in 1956. 

MOTHER: Hester Taylor, daughter of Richard Hiram Taylor and Nancy Jane Franklin, both of Illinois. She was born 19 Mar 1873 and died 28 Feb 1964. Both are buried in the Williams Cemetery of Ewing, Illinois.

Their children are:

Opal Edna Marshall, born 29 May 1890. She married in 1908 to Egbert Walker. Opal died in Los Angeles, CA 17 Dec 1980.

William Dow Marshall, born 27 Dec 1891 in Ewing IL. He married Beulah Lawson. He died in Whittington IL on 22 July 1971.

Seba Elsworth Marshall, born 16 Nov 1896 in Ewing IL. His name may be a nickname for Sebastian. He married Nina Kirk in 1919. He died in Columbus OH 2 Sep 1983.

Audra Noble Marshall, (not pictured) born 25 July in Franklin Co. IL. He married Sylvia Denham in 1923. He died 28 May 1985 in Jefferson Co. IL.

click for larger

I must admit, I originally thought Seba was a girl's name, having never before heard it applied to a boy, but census records kept referring to him as male. I also came across several news archive articles of him referred to by the title "Reverend Seba Marshall", one of which I post here.

The other two photos found in the same group are individual baby photos. One is labelled Opal Marshall, and the other is labelled Etta Marshall. I am not aware of an "Etta" in this family, but Etta may be a pet name for Edna (Opal's middle name). If they are of the same child, they were taken a few months apart.

Opal Marshall

Etta Marshall

Monday, March 20, 2023



"Sam Wilensky"


PHOTO TAKEN: illegible studio signature, dated 1942

PHOTO ACQUIRED: 2023 March, Palm Beach County Fairgrounds Antiques Fair


This is Samuel Donald WILENSKY, who around the time of his service in WWII, changed his surname to WILLENS.

 He is a son of Solomon Wilensky (1893-1973) and Bessie Lieberman (1895-1987) of Chicago Illinois.


1930 Census > Illinois > Cook > Chicago

  • WILENSKY, Sol, head, 35, born in Lithuania, immigrated 1910, presser at Tailor shop
  • WILENSKY, Bessie, wife, 34, born in Russia, imm. 1915
  • WILENSKY, Sam, son, 12, born in Illinois, at school
  • WILENSKY, Herman, son, 6, born in Illinois, at school
  • WILENSKY, Nathan, son, 1y 6mo, born in Illinois


Sam attended Harrison Technical High School where he played in the band and orchestra (clarinet and saxophone). This class photo of him taken in 1935 (and located on someone’s Ancestry tree) shows this is clearly the correct individual. (I do not possess that photo, and only include it here for sake of comparison.)


After High School, he received his medical degree from University of Illinois (1941).


Sam married Vila Weaver, a nurse he met while doing his residency at Cook County Hospital. They had two sons and two daughters.

Sam died in September of 1990 and this obituary pay tribute to a man who was not only an excellent doctor, but also a kind and caring human being.

Tuesday, March 7, 2023

DETTRE, Marie Boyer (Macon GA)


Marie Boyer Dettre


PHOTO TAKEN: Blackshear Photographic Studio, Macon GA, circa 1896

PHOTO ACQUIRED: 2023 March, Palm Beach County Fairgrounds Antiques Fair


Marie Boyer DETTRE (23 Sep 1879 - March 1971) was a daughter of:

  •     George Boyer DETTRE (1841-1885), a son of John Dettre & Mary Boyer
  •     Ellen Elizabeth JONES (1852-1913), a daughter of James Newton Jones & Sarah Jane Norman

Marie was born in Macon Georgia, where her father operated a grocery store. He had moved to Georgia after the Civil War in which he served as part of the Union Army, Company C, Pennsylvania Infantry.

1880 CENSUS > GA > Bibb Co. > Macon > 204 1st Street

(click for larger)

  • DETTRE, George, 45, born in PA, Grocer
  • DETTRE, Ellen, wife, 27, keeping house, born in GA
  • DETTRE, Mary, 8mo. daughter, born in GA
  • JONES, Sarah, 55 mother-in-law, born in GA

By the time of George's death in 1885, another daughter was added to the family. Sarah "Sadie" Dettre was born in 1881. 

Following her husband’s death, Ellen moved her family to the Philadelphia PA area. A local newspaper in 1897 mentions Marie Boyer Dettre as a student at Girl’s High School in Philadelphia.

The 1900 Census shows the family boarding at the home of Robert Wilson PERRY and his wife Claudia in Norristown, a northwest suburb of Philadelphia.

 1900 CENSUS > PA > Montgomery Co. > Norristown

  • PERRY, R. Wilson, head, 58, May 1842, born in PA, paper hanger
  • PERRY, Claudia C., wife, 65, Feb 1835, born in GA
  • DETTRE, Ellen E.J., boarder, 47, Dec 1852, born in GA
  • DETTRE, Marie B., boarder, 20, Sep 1879, born in GA
  • DETTRE, Sarah E., boarder, 18, Nov 1881, born in GA

Looking into the Perry history, I found that R. Wilson Perry, like George Dettre, was a veteran of the Civil War, having served as a Lieutenant in Company C of the Pennsylvania Infantry. So it was evident that they would have known each other, at least from their military service. Also I find that Claudia Quarterman-Perry had some half-siblings with the surname of Norman, which is the maiden name of Ellen’s mother. Therefore, Claudia may have been a cousin of some sort to Ellen.

Robert Perry died in 1905 and is buried in Norris City Cemetery. It is interesting to note that Claudia, who is buried next to him, died in 1919 in Georgia. She may have returned to that state along with the Dettre family after the death of her husband.

Ellen and Sadie Dettre are included in the 1906 City Directory of Macon GA.  

Meanwhile, Marie married in late November 1905 to a Pennsylvania dentist named Charles Howard HARRY (1851-1925) and they lived in the Norristown area. 

Charles was a son of Charles P. Harry (1818-1898) and Rebecca D. Markley (1822-1892). Marie was Charles’ second wife, and he already had children by his first wife (who died in 1904.)

UPDATE - a recent visit to the same Vintage Photo Booth has resulted in finding a photo of Marie & Charles' infant son, taken in January of 1910.

Charles Howard Harry Jr, abt 1 yr
Taken January 26th 1910

 Together they had a son Charles Howard Harry Jr. (1909 – 1984) who was a most impressive individual. His 1984 obit from the Miami Herald proves this.


Marie is a member of the Daughters of the American Revolution, having proved descendancy (through her mother) from Major John Jones, aide-de-camp to General McIntosh. He died at the siege of Savannah, and Jones Street in that city is named for him.




Saturday, February 4, 2023

HOWLAND, George and Annie (Mason City, IA)


Annie E. (Slater) Howland and
husband George Washington Howland

IDENTIFICATION ON PHOTO: "Annie Howland" & "Geo Howland"

PHOTO TAKEN: Horace P. Kirk Studio, Mason City IA, circa 1891

PHOTO ACQUIRED: 2022 Sep, Feather Your Nest Antiques, Lexington KY

The Kirk Photo Studio was in action in Mason City IA from before 1880 to after 1910. Horace P. Kirk lived in Mason City from 1862 to around 1911. His son Vern was also a photographer who worked at the same studio.

The photo can be dated with certainty to around 1890 - 1892. This is based on the hairstyle and clothing of the woman, and also the gold, scalloped edges of the card mat.

The man in the above photo is George Washington HOWLAND, born in Kendall Illinois 4 July 1863, died 8 June 1945 in Los Angeles, to parents James Howland and Susan Irwin (or Irvine). 

The woman in the photo is Annie Elizabeth SLATER, born in Wisconsin in May 1863 to parents William Slater and Elizabeth Noble, who were both immigrants from England.

Annie and George were married in Rockwell, Cerro Gordo County, Iowa, 24 Feb 1884. They had two daughters:

  • 1885 - Lulu Elizabeth Howland (married Alfred Carpenter, died 1932 in Iowa)
  • 1888 - Nellie Amy Howland (married Howard Valentine, died 1959 in California)

1900 Census > Iowa > Cerro Gordo > Rockwell

  • HOWLAND, Geo W., 37 (Jul 1863), born in IL of CAN & PA parents, Drug store merchant
  • HOWLAND, Ann, 37 (May 1863), born in WI of ENG parents, 2 children, 2 living
  • HOWLAND, Lulu E., 15 (Jan 1885), born in IA, at school
  • HOWLAND, Nellie A., 11, (Nov 1888), born in IA, at school

The 1905 Mason City Directory reports that George is a clerk of the District Court.

1910 Census > Iowa > Cerro Gordo > Rockwell

  • HOWLAND, George W., 47, commercial vendor of Tea & Coffee
  • HOWLAND, Annie, 48

The 1914 Mason City Directory says he is a clerk at Tiss Drug Store.

1920 Census > IN > South Bend (Portage township)

  • VALENTINE, Nell A., 30, married, no occupation
  • VALENTINE, Marjorie, dau, 12
  • VALENTINE, Richard, son, 10
  • HOWLAND, Anna, mother, 55, married, no occupation

The 1920 Census is a bit baffling. Annie is living in South Bend Indiana with her married daughter, but neither her husband nor Nellie's is present in the household. I could find no 1920 Census presence for George W. Howland anywhere. He shows up later as a traveling employee and may simply have been missed by the census-takers. I presume their husbands were sending money home so the unemployed women had something to survive on.

1930 Census > IA > Linn > Cedar Rapids

  • HOWLAND, Geo W., 68, Auditing traveler for Newspapers
  • HOWLAND, Annie, 68

In 1932 their eldest daughter Lulu Howland-Carpenter died at their home after a long battle with diabetes. 

Annie died a short time after this, either later in 1932 or early in 1933, although I can find no definitive date of this, nor any news items about her passing.

After the deaths of his wife and daughter, George relocated to Los Angeles, California, making the occassional return trip to Iowa.

In 1936 he remarried to Edith Grummon of Cerro Gordo County Iowa. They made their home in Los Angeles, and lived at the Rexford Arms Apartments where Nellie Howland-Valentine was the apartment manager.

George died 8 June 1945 and is buried at Forest Lawn in Glendale. 

Edith passed a mere ten days later in Rockwell Iowa, and is buried there.

Tuesday, January 31, 2023

BURR, Fred and Emma (Jamestown OH)


Fredric and Emma Burr

UPDATE - this photo has been claimed and sent home to relatives.


PHOTO TAKEN: Mock Studio, Jamestown OH, circa 1902

PURCHASED: 2022 Shelbyville Antiques Mall, Shelbyville KY

This photo was probably taken around the time the young couple was married, which was 1902. The fashions are appropriate for that time period.

The young man is Fredric "Fred" Earl BURR, born 12 Feb 1880 in Greene County Ohio, to parents:

  •    William Hendrickson Burr (1852-1935, son of John Burr & Henrietta Thompson)
  •    Flora Boetler Hussey (1855-1935, daughter of Christopher Hussey & Catharine Lockhart)

The young woman is Emma Maud BALES, born in 1880 in Illinois, to parents:

  •    Walter Warren Bales (1841-1932, son of Walter William Bales & Sarah Cavendar)
  •    Victoria Inskeep (1845-1882, daughter of William Inskeep & Mary Stokes)

The 1900 Census finds Fred's family in the area of Allen OH. There are two older siblings (Charles and Loufemma) who have already left the household.

1900 CENSUS > OH > Union Co. > Allen

  • BURR, William H., head, 47, Nov 1852, born in OH of OH parents, Farmer
  • BURR, Flora, wife, 45, Nov 1854, born in OH, 9 children, 8 living
  • BURR, Fred E., son, 20, Feb 1880, born in OH, farm labor
  • BURR, Horace, son, 18, May 1882, born in OH, farm labor
  • BURR, Henry S., son, 15, Mar 1885, OH, at school
  • BURR, Dwight, son, 12, Apr 1888, OH, at school
  • BURR, Katie L., dau, 8, Jun 1892, OH, at school
  • BURR, Anna M., dau., 5, Jul 1894, OH, at school
  • CHARLTON, Clara, cousin, 20s, Apr 1880, OH

Another farmer in the area at that time was the widowed Walter BALES and his family which included his 19-year-old daughter Emma:

1900 CENSUS > OH > Union Co. > Allen

  • BALES, Walter, head, 58, Oct 1841, born in OH of NH parents, farmer
  • BALES, Frank, son, 28, Aug 1871, OH, farm labor
  • BALES, Walter O., son, 24, Mar 1876, OH, farm labor
  • BALES, Jennie, dau, 21, Oct 1878, OH
  • BALES, Emma M., dau, 19, Jul 1880, OH

Fred and Emma were married in Union County OH on 15 Mar 1902. They made their home near Jamestown (Greene Co.) OH, where their two children were born.

  •   1905 - Lavon Victoria Burr (died 2004) m. Daniel Hennigan
  •   1909 - Loren Dean Burr (died 1980) m1: Jessie McKee, m2: Mary Josephine Barger

1910 Census > OH > Greene > Jamestown

  • BURR, Fred, head, 30, born in OH of OH parents, farmer
  • BURR, Emma, wife, 29, born in IL of OH parents, 2 children, 2 living
  • BURR, Lavon, daughter, 4, born in OH
  • BURR, Loren, son, 11mo., born in OH

The 1920 census shows no change, other than everyone is ten years older.

By 1930, the family has relocated to Stokes, Madison County.

1930 Census > OH > Madison > Stokes

  • BURR, Fred E., 49, farmer
  • BURR, Emma, 49
  • BURR, Lavon, 24, stenographer in automotive industry
  • BURR, Loren, 20, farm labor

By 1940, Fred has given up the farming life and the family has moved into town in South Charleston, OH in Clark County where he and his wife lived for the remainder of their lives. Lavon is married and out of the nest. Loren is also married and his young family lives with Fred and Emma.

1940 Census > OH > Clark > S. Charleston

  • BURR, Fred E., 60, waiter in a restaurant
  • BURR, Emma, 59
  • BURR, Loren, son, 30, laborer at Piano Plate Co.
  • BURR, Jessie May, dau-in-law, 27
  • BURR, Fred, grandson, 3

1950 > Census > OH > Clark > S. Charleston

  • BURR, Fred E., 70, manager of pool room
  • BURR, Emma, 69

Emma died in 1958. This obituary was located in the Springfield News-Sun, 20 Mar 1958.

(click for larger)

Fred died three years later at the age of 81. He seems to have been living alone at that time, although his daughter Lavon Hennigan and her family lived in the same town. 

Fred and Emma are buried at the Greenlawn Cemetery in South Charleston OH.