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Sunday, November 17, 2019

LESCARBEAU, Shirley & family (Massachussetts)

UPDATE - these photos have been claimed and are going home to Shirley's niece!

Identification on photo: Shirley Lescarbeau
Photo taken: snapshot prob. mid-1940s
Purchased: January 2019 South Florida Fairgrounds Antique Show

This snapshot and the one below were acquired at the Palm Beach County Antiques Fair which is held monthly at the South Florida Fairgrounds.

I generally do not acquire snapshots since they almost never have identifying information written on them. This pair have apparently been lifted out of a black-paper photo album (some black bits still attached to the back) but remarkably both had hand-written identification on the back.

Click for larger image
The second photograph was taken much earlier, probably around 1927, (location unknown), and includes the following info: Grandfather Rainford, Uncle Willie Mason (middle), Pap Lescarbeau, Les, Shirley, John & Margaret Lescarbeau.

Before I'd delved into too much research, I found Shirley's obituary in a 1997 Massachusetts newspaper. It tells exactly who she was, better than I can do, so I include it here with younger survivors edited out.

At this point, I knew exactly who to contact, which was either the niece or nephew mentioned in the obit. I found the niece with very little effort and contacted her. She was eager to receive the photos, so they were sent home the next day.

She contacted me a few days later and included this photograph of her mother Rita (not born yet at the time of the sibling photo) viewing the images of her siblings, father, grandfather and uncle.

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